What is the Largest Motorcycle Organization?

‍The largest motorcycle organization in the world is the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). Founded in 1924, AMA is the oldest and largest organization dedicated to the protection of the rights and interests of the motorcycling community. It is the only organization in the United States that works directly with government officials, legislators, and law enforcement to ensure that motorcyclists are treated fairly and have access to the same amenities and privileges as other vehicle operators. AMA is committed to promoting the interests of riders, providing resources to keep them safe, and working with state and federal governments to ensure that motorcyclists have the same rights and privileges as other vehicle operators. In addition, AMA offers its members a wide range of services, including a variety of insurance and legal assistance, discounts on motorcycle gear and services, and discounts on travel and lodging. AMA is dedicated to promoting the motorcycling lifestyle and the positive aspects of motorcycling and encourages its members to be responsible and respectful riders.

History of AMA

The AMA was founded in 1924 by a small group of motorcyclists who were interested in protecting the rights of motorcyclists. The organization soon grew to include thousands of members who were actively engaged in promoting motorcycle safety, protecting riders’ rights, and lobbying government officials. From its origins in a small New York City apartment, AMA today is the world’s largest motorcyclist organization with more than 400,000 members in every state and country. And AMA’s membership is as diverse as the American landscape. AMA members include everyone from casual weekend riders to professional racers, from weekend cruisers to people who commute to work on motorcycles. AMA members also include manufacturers, suppliers, repair shops, distributors and other businesses that support motorcycling.

Benefits of Joining AMA

There are many reasons why people choose to join the AMA. First and foremost, being a member of AMA is the best way to support and protect the motorcycling community and your own interests as a rider. Through its advocacy and legal services programs, AMA works directly with legislators and law enforcement officials to ensure that motorcyclists are treated fairly and have access to the same rights and privileges as other vehicle operators. In addition, AMA members receive a wide range of benefits and resources that can help save them money while making their riding experience more enjoyable. These include discounts on motorcycle gear, services and other products and services, as well as discounts on travel and lodging.

AMA Resources

The AMA website is packed with information and resources that can help you learn more about motorcycling and enhance your riding experience. In the “New to Motorcycling” section, you can find information about how to get started in motorcycling, what type of motorcycle to buy, and how to choose the right gear. In the “Rider Resources” section, you can find helpful information on topics such as how to be a safer rider and avoid accidents, how to get your motorcycle license, and how to choose a safe and appropriate motorcycle ride for you and your skill level. In the “Organization” section, you can learn more about the history of AMA, its governance and structure, and how to become a member.

AMA’s Advocacy Efforts

Throughout the year, AMA engages in advocacy efforts to support and protect the motorcycling community. In the spring, the beginning of National Motorcycle Awareness Month, AMA urges riders to “Wear Your Gear.” The organization participates in rallies and events across the country to encourage other riders to wear their helmets and protective gear. In the summer, AMA hosts an annual motorcycle safety and maintenance event called “Ride to the Rescue,” which educates riders about the importance of proper maintenance and how to avoid hazards on the road. In the fall, the organization launches its “Drive Safely” campaign to remind motorists to watch for motorcyclists.

AMA’s Impact on Motorcycling

AMA has been at the forefront of protecting and promoting motorcycling since its founding in the early 1920s. As the world’s largest motorcyclist organization, AMA is uniquely positioned to advocate for the rights of riders, provide resources to keep them safe and inform the general public about the many benefits of motorcycling. AMA’s advocacy efforts, including its state and federal government relations and grassroots outreach programs, have helped expand and protect the rights of motorcyclists, while also increasing the public’s awareness of the many benefits of motorcycling. AMA’s efforts have also been instrumental in promoting motorcycling as a safe and enjoyable recreational activity and a viable form of transportation.

AMA’s Commitment to Safety

AMA has a long history of promoting rider safety and reducing the number of motorcycle accidents and fatalities. AMA’s Rider Services department provides riders with valuable information, resources, and assistance related to health and safety issues. In addition, the organization has partnered with the National Safety Council and other organizations to provide free rider and new rider training programs in many areas across the country.

AMA’s Commitment to Promoting Motorcycling

AMA works to promote and support motorcycling in a variety of ways. The organization’s magazine, American Motorcyclist, is a nationally distributed publication with a print readership of over 50,000 and a monthly online readership of more than 1 million. American Motorcyclist provides information and resources to help riders improve their skills and stay safe on the road, and features a broad range of articles about motorcycles, gear, events and destinations, and other topics of interest to motorcyclists.